vendredi 17 février 2012


Here is an interessing insight about female capoeiristas in the Capoeira world pulished by livecapoeira  here .

Capoeira, like many martial arts is practiced by people from all walks of life and is seen as a great equalizer in terms of bringing people together and breaking down social barriers. Historically, when it comes to women in capoeira and the martial arts generally, there has always been far less participating and those that have, often have to work that much harder than their male counterparts to get the recognition they deserve.

To the untrained eye, capoeira can seem like a brutal and dangerous pass time which may put many women off taking an interest. However
, it is an art form that requires grace, rhythm, agility and poise, attributes that are often more abundant in female capoeiristas.
Some instructors are against women taking part and ignore their female students, stunting their progress. Another barrier they face is the fact that some of the songs can seem to objectify women but despite this, women should not be discouraged from getting involved in the art that has been dubbed, "the fight of the oppressed".
Andrea Podracky, the highest ranking female in the 'Grupo Axe Capoeira', stated in a lecture in London that although women are usually smaller and have less strength and aggression, it does not have to limit them in the art. Great martial artists come in all shapes and sizes and learn to use their strengths and manipulate the weaknesses of their opponents, and where possible neutralize there own weaknesses.
If a capoeirista, male or female, is short and therefore usually against a taller opponent, they will learn to close down and get close effectively, nullifying any disadvantage a shorter reach might give them. A fighter with a slender body will have to learn to deal with people of heavier weight, so will find ways to improve and effectively use speed to defeat opponents. Podracky stated;
"This is how I look at it: if you have a weakness, work to diminish its effect on your dreams, and if you have a strength, develop it to its maximum potential. It is how you get around these weaknesses/obstacles.....Every capoeirista - woman, man, young, old - needs to understand their limitations and find creative ways to work around them."
In 2005, the 'Equipe Jo Capoeira' was founded by Contra Mestre Jo becoming the first capoeira group started by a woman. Despite much opposition to her involvement in the art, especially from her mother who saw it as a humiliation, she persevered for many years to become a respected capoeirista showing that progress is being made to improve the status of women in capoeira, albeit slowly.

And you ? What do tou think? Don't hesitate to share your thoughts with us!

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