dimanche 19 février 2012


Emergent sports and new modern sports are all about pushing oneself to the limits or exploit oneself to its own limits. Today marketers and movie directors have aknowledge Parkour and Freerunning as an uprising and valuable sport (tool) practice that gather hundreds of fan and communities across the globe.
Running in an urban environement can be challenging if you can see beyond the traditional practice of it.

EXPLOIT YOURSELF is a special commercial inspired by Nike (and Parkours obviously) directed by Carl Erik Rinsh 4 years ago (it seems) in wich you can see a robot performing jumps as traceurs do.

The commercial is more than good
and reminds me a little bit of the I-Robot movie. It containes all the spirit of Parkours. That commercial should be aired I don't have a clue why it wasn't granted it.

Here you can find the making of , with all the drawings and computing stuffs...pretty amasing!!!

And you? Share with us what do you think?

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